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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The First Week - Some may come some may go!

The Pre-game - It was a long drive on down to Florida!  After spending New Years in Boston with friends and having a Blast Randy and I left for Florida Sunday morning in the middle of a wonderful north east blizzard!!!  From Boston to Connecticut we drove 40 MPH - PERFECT!  After a 14 hour drive and almost dying twice (thanks Rand) we got to Rocky Mount, NC!  

The next day it was cold but sunny in NC and the rest of our way down to Florida.  We got to Orlando around 7 and met up with some friends for dinner!  Our hotel was nice for $30 a night, but not luxurious by any means!!!!   

I spent a few days hanging around with friends and getting my bearings!  

Wednesday morning - January 6th - the big day!  I had every intention on getting up early and getting to check in at 8:45... not the case!  I over slept, got lost and didn't get to check in until 10:30!  It was freezing!!!  But after standing in line after line I finally completed check in. Learning that I was in the new complex (sweet) and I had 5 other roommates!  Randy was suppose to help me move in, but there was no time to return to the hotel and get him before I had to be at my next meeting.  So, I headed to my new home to do a little unpacking and head to my next meeting!  I thought this would take an hour, two tops!  WRONG!  First my little "directions" sticker had the wrong time I was suppose to catch the bus to casting!  My sticker said 12, I was suppose to get the bus at 12:35.  So, when a bus drove up to the bust stop at 12 I naturally got on it!  Which turned into a 45 minute bus ride to the Magic Kingdom!  Not where I needed to be!  I was thankful for two things!  First, I wasn't the only one misinformed (i had made a little friend!) and two, there was  a nice cast member who told us where we needed to go!  An hour and a half later I arrived at casting only to wait in line after line after line!  4 hours later I was on my way back to the apartment to meet the roommates I hadn't met yet!  Not to mention retrieve Randy from the hotel, who has been sitting there all day with no food and no room keys so he couldn't leave if he wanted to!  

Once I arrived back I met my 5 roommates; Melody, Erin, Brittany, TY and Megan!  I unfortunately didn't get to spend too much time with them because Christa and Randy were both leaving the next day!  That night we went out to celebrate our arrivals and departures!  

Day 2 one meeting in the morning and I am free for the day!  Which was almost a week ago, so I can't really remember what I did!  I do know that in the afternoon I went to Hollywood Studios and Epcot!  

Hollywood Studios - we only went on two rides and saw the High School Musical 3 Parade (I know you all are jealous!) but I had fun either way!  Tower of Terror - awesome!  I squealed like a little girl and had slight panic attacks, but in the end I survived!  Second ride - Rockin' Roller Coaster a indoor roller coaster to Aerosmith!  Super fun!  

Epcot - So Epcot was amazing!  I didn't get to see much but I had a good time!  We first went on the ride Perfect Tomorrow, and to most they probably wouldn't love the ride, but I am kind of a nerd so I enjoyed it immensely!  Then we walked around the countries and shopped a little.  Our reason for going to Epcot was to see the firework show Illuminations!  Which BTW, was amazing, we got a little choked up and I realized I was at the most magical place on earth!  Ok, I am officially a complete nerd!   

After they all left - After saying goodbye to Randy and Christa I got to actually hang with my roommates!  Have I mentioned it is FREEZING in Florida!  Everyone keeps telling me that I should be use to it!  Even though though its -5 in NY, I am still cold at 30 in Florida!  And just so you know, Florida 30 is different than NY 30 - bone chilling cold!  Unfortunately for me, I did not completely pack for the cold weather, no winter coat, no warm sweaters!  Fortunately though, Maria gave me a scarf for Christmas (thanks for that - its been handy!)  

So, I had my traditions class where you learn all about disney!  Then we went on a little walk of the disney tunnels and out to the Magic Kingdom!  I saw my first Disney Princess show - Super EXCITED!!!   Next day I had my orientation of the resort I would work at!  Yacht & Beach Club Resort! I work as a hostess in Beaches n Cream the home of the Kitchen Sink (I'll get to that later!)  The resort was beautiful, even in the cold rain!  Two girls in my tour group I found out were from Syracuse, NY!  Weird huh?! ?!  

Saturday night I went to the House of Blues with my roommate for a benefit concert type thing.  I was called Heavy and Light put on by To Write Lover On Her Arms its a nonprofit organization who helps people who struggle with addiction, suicide and self harm.  It was an awesome show and worth every penny I shouldn't have spent!!!!  

Sunday I had another training - the joy! I learned the proper way to wash my hands and cut food!  I know, exciting!!!  Then Sunday night after some shoe shopping (not the fun kind - the kind where you have to find ugly work shoes!)  Brittany (my roommate) and I returned home to a nice group of people in our apartment, so we stayed up chatted and enjoyed some margaritas!!  About 2 am we went to IHOP!  Good times!  

Everything including the Kitchen Sink- Monday started my first day at Beaches n Cream!  Did I mention the ridiculousness of my costume!  Lets take a minute and describe this!  It was a skirt that is easter color striped and goes to about my shins!  I HAVE to wear pantyhose (ugh!) and the top is a blueish color button up with white ruffling on the front. Its color is big like with striped with the same colors as the skirt and a white apron!  Oh!  Lets not forget the yellow bow tie!  I know you all are extremely jealous and wish your work uniform was the same!  

So, my first day on the job!  My trainers called in sick so, I had no one to train me! So, I was shown the ropes then jumped right in!  Since, there were no trainers I was scooping ice cream and I made several Kitchen Sinks!  Which is (drum roll please!)  8 scoops of ice cream all the toppings in the house, which is, brownies, milky way, oreos, angel food cake, bunt cake, banana, strawberries, pineapple, marshmallow, hot fudge, butterscotch, peanut butter, chocolate syrup, sprinkles, nuts, cherries, chocolate, white chocolate and probably a few other things!  Topped off with a whole can of whipped cream!  If you eat it by yourself in one hour you get it for free!!  So, after 6 hours of scooping ice cream I called it a night!  I woke up this morning with sore shoulders!  SERIOUSLY!!!   

Well that's about it!  I am sorry it is so long I think next time I won't wait a week!  I am sure I have left some details out!!!  Thanks for reading and until next time!  Have a magical day!!!